Whereas, legislation either directly based on or inspired by the language found in the platform approved by the delegates to the 2014 and 2016 Republican Party of Texas State Conventions has been denied opportunity for passage into law by the previous legislative process; and,

Whereas, the previous state legislative process allows certain individual members to block legislation that is widely supported by the House Republican Caucus; and

Whereas, previous House Rules require constituents to be present at the Capitol in order to register their opinions and give testimony on bills; and

Whereas, many Texans are hundreds of miles away from the Capitol, rendering the previous process detrimental to hearing a balanced voice of constituents from across Texas; therefore be it

Resolved, that the State Republican Executive Committee calls on the Texas House Republican Caucus to introduce and pass House Rules to expedite legislation requested by the delegates to the 2018 State Republican Convention, including but not limited to a rules change that would guarantee consideration on the floor of any bill with 75 coauthors and a rules change that would allow constituents to register their opinion and provide testimony on bills from any district office.